1. Introduction

1.1 This web page contains the Terms of Use under which the User can access (load) the website of ddobs.com (the “Site”), use the services, and view the materials that are provided through it (including through a mobile browser version to the extent available). Please read these Terms of Use (“Rules”) carefully before starting to use the Site.

1.2 By accessing and using the Site, the User agrees to comply with and be bound by these Rules and all their subsequent additions and amendments and confirms this agreement each time he visits the Site. The Rules define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the User and “DDOBS CREATIVE” EOOD regarding access to and use of the Site. If any User does not agree and accepts these Rules, they should not use the services provided through ddobs.com and terminate their access to the Site immediately.

1.3 The site is registered in the name of and is managed and maintained by DDOBS CREATIVE EOOD, with VAT: BG205155412, with registered office: zh.k. Trakia, Blvd. Osvobozhdenie No. 59, building 172, entrance B, Ground Floor, Office 1, represented by Dobrin Totev (hereinafter referred to as the “Company” for brevity).

1.4 These Rules regulate the relations between the User and the Company and have a binding effect on the Users of the Site and the Company. The Rules do not regulate any relationship in-between the Users of the Site. Certain parts, segments or modules of the Site or the services provided through it, may contain other conditions, require you to accept certain additional conditions, or require the Users to enter data specific to these parts, modules, segments or services. In case of contradiction or inconsistency between these Terms of Use, which should be accepted in order to use other parts, segments, modules of the Site or services provided through it, the latter will take precedence, and it is the User’s duty to familiarize himself with them.

2. General information about the Company

2.1 The main activity of the Company includes: Computer programming, development of software and mobile applications, web design and other digital activities not prohibited by law. The Company is registered with VAT: BG205155412.

3. The Users of the Site

3.1 The Users of the Site can be legal entities and able-bodied individuals over the age of 18 who fall into one of the following categories:

  • Unregistered Users;
  • Registered Users;

3.2 Unregistered Users have access to the following services provided through the Site freely and without payment:

  • Access to the information resources provided through a web browser, contained in the various sections of the Site, including, but not limited to: news, articles, campaigns, information, etc. , which are available on the Site at the discretion of the Company;
  • Purchase of items from the Company’s electronic store, accessible through the Site;
  • Other services that may be available on the Site at the sole discretion of the Company.

3.3 Registered Users have access to the following services provided through the Site:

  • Storage of customer information – this service enables faster and easier finalization of the process of ordering items from the electronic store of the Company. In this way, the User does not have to repeatedly enter his personal information (name, delivery address;
  • Adding items from the electronic store of the Company in the “Favorites” category;
  • Ability to access information about current and upcoming promotional activities;
  • Possibility to review the User’s activity – this service enables Users to receive detailed information about their previous orders made through the electronic store of the Company;

3.4 Specific and detailed information about these and other services provided through the Site will be posted on the Site in due course. The Company has no obligation to inform in any other way about services that it organizes or provides through the Site.

3.5 Registration on the Site is free. If for a certain service provided through the Site, the User should make a payment, this will be explicitly indicated on the Site.

3.6 Registration is carried out directly through the Site, by filling in the minimum amount of mandatory information, according to the registration form. After completing the registration process, each User can log in to their profile on the Site, using the e-mail address and password entered during registration (“Access Data”). Access data will be provided electronically, to the email address entered by the User, and the account will be activated as soon as be confirmed through an electronic reference in the letter with which the User is notified of the completed registration.

The profile on the Site will be created by the company based on the information that the User entered during registration. The same undertakes to provide accurate, complete, true and up-to-date information when registering on the Site and, if necessary, to update it. The Company is not responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of this information. The Company reserves the right to temporarily block a specific User’s access to the Site or to delete a profile if it turns out that the information provided by him is incomplete, false or inaccurate, as well as for any other reasons.

3.7 Each User is obliged to protect the security of his Access Data, to treat them as confidential and not to disclose them to third parties. The user is responsible for any actions taken through his account, whether or not he has approved them. In case of loss/theft of the Access Data or in case of their illegal use, the user is obliged to promptly notify The Company.

The Company shall not be liable for any damages suffered or lost profits arising from lost and/or stolen Access Data or unauthorized access to your account.

3.8 A User registered for the purposes of the site can delete his registration by stating his wish using the appropriate form for deleting user registration. The Company undertakes to delete the user profile within 7 (seven) calendar days. Deletion of user registration removes user data from the Site, but The Company retains information about the User’s sales in accordance with the requirements of tax legislation and the Law on Anti-Money Laundering Measures.

4. Rules for permissible use of the Site

4.1 The Site may be used only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Rules and other documents applicable to the services provided through the Site.

4.2 The Site may not be used:

  • In a manner that violates any applicable local, national or international laws or regulations;
  • In a manner that is illegal or fraudulent, or has an illegal or fraudulent purpose or effect;
  • With the purpose or result of causing harm or attempting to cause harm to the Company, other Users or any third parties;
  • To transfer, publish on the Site or commission the sending of unwanted or illegal commercial, advertising or promotional materials, unsolicited messages, junk mail or other forms of similar impact (spam, junk mail), overflow of channels (flood), as well as to receive access to resources of other Users, including theft of Data for accessing the Site, use of flaws in the systems for one’s own benefit or obtaining information (hack), performing actions that can be qualified as industrial espionage or sabotage;
  • For entering the Site, intentionally transferring data, sending or publishing materials containing viruses, Trojan horses, worms, programs that stop functioning after a certain date (time-bombs), software that infects computers with advertising messages (spyware) , denial-of-service attacks, keystroke loggers, adware, IP spoofing and any other “malicious” or harmful programs or computer codes (malware) designed to exert a harmful effect on the functioning of the Site or the services provided through it, or on the normal work of other Users;
  • Тo send, receive, publish, download, use or reuse materials for purposes not permitted by these Rules.

4.3 When using the site, the Users agree:

  • Not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, or transmit any parts of the Site contrary to the legal requirements or the provisions of these Rules;
  • Not to carry out illegal and unauthorized access, not to change, damage or interrupt: parts of the Site or its content; servers, equipment or network on which it is stored or which are connected to the Site; databases related to the Site; the services available on the Site; software used to operate/protect the Site; or – equipment, network or software owned or used by third parties.
  • Not to carry out actions aimed at deactivating, damaging or overcoming the measures used by the Company or a third party to protect the Site, the services and materials that are provided through it, as well as related servers, systems and other equipment;
  • Not to use any technical means, scripts, programming languages, software or other methods to interfere with the normal operation of the Site or other Users, nor to try to decipher, de-compile, distribute or reprogram any software that covers or constitutes a part/segment or module of the Site;
  • Not to reproduce or distribute partially or fully the design and/or content of the Site without the prior written consent of the Company, nor to use, modify, publish it for any commercial purposes, and not to use it to create derivative works/works;
  • Not extract information from the Site using bots, spiders, crawlers and other similar manual or automatic devices;
    When registering on the Site, to submit accurate, true and correct information about themselves and to promptly update already published information;
    When using the services of the Site, including, but not limited to, when publishing content on the Site or participating in forums, blogs, chat rooms or when communicating in any other way with other Users through the Site, not to publish, send and transmit material that is illegal, threatening, false, misleading, deceptive, obscene, abusive, defamatory, abusive, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, or material that incites the use of violence or other illegal or immoral actions, or offends the honor and dignity of other Users or the good name and reputation of the Company;
  • Not to publish, send and transmit materials that contain viruses or other computer program methods or elements that harm or interfere with a system, data or information;
  • Not to publish, send and transmit materials that violate copyright and related rights, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights, as well as the right to privacy and integrity or other rights of third parties or that lead to the violation of applicable law ;
  • Not to publish, send and transmit personal information about other persons without their consent;
  • Not to use the personal information of other Users available on the Site for purposes other than those specified in these Rules, as well as not to disturb the normal work and not to cause any form of harassment or anxiety to other Users, including, but not limited to only, by sending an unreasonably large number of messages or messages with threatening, defamatory, abusive, obscene or obscene content;
  • Not to register a profile using the data of a third party and not to try to impersonate another person by using another person’s Access Data.

4.4 Please note that a breach of any of the above provisions may constitute an offense under the Criminal Code and the Cybercrime Convention.

5. Intelectual Property

5.1 The site and its content, including, but not limited to, text, design, structure, software, including back-end code, photos, illustrations, graphics, sounds, are the property of the Company and/or its partners, clients, suppliers, respectively, of the Users who voluntarily published them, and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, according to Bulgarian legislation and relevant international conventions, and their unregulated use is an offense that entails civil, administrative and/or criminal liability.

5.2 Users may not change, modify or delete any materials, trademarks or other company marks or any part of the content of the Site or paper or digital copies of materials that they have printed or downloaded in any way and are not entitled , without the consent of the Company, to use, publish, distribute, transmit, broadcast illustrations, photographs, video or audio materials or graphic materials.

5.3 Without the consent of the Company, each user has the right to use, view, download, copy, reproduce or print text or graphic content from the Site only if it is for his personal use for non-commercial purposes.

5.4 By publishing/sending materials, objects of intellectual property, the User:

  • Confirms that he is the sole and exclusive holder of the rights to the published/sent content or that he has the necessary rights, consents, and licenses for the purpose, as well as that the availability of such content on The Site and/or its submission and/or its use in accordance with these Terms does not violate the rights of third parties;
  • If this is necessary to provide the services available through the Site, grants to the Company a non-exclusive right to use the published/sent materials by recording, storing, reproducing, copying, changing, distributing them, including offering access to an unlimited number persons to them, allowing this access to be carried out from a place and at a time individually chosen by each of them, without paying a fee for this and without territorial restrictions (for the whole world). This right is granted for the needs of and in connection with the provision of the services available through the Site for the time that the content uploaded by the relevant User is available on the Site, as well as within a reasonable period after its removal or deletion;
  • Grants all other Users of the Site the non-exclusive right of access to the published materials, without owing remuneration for this and without territorial restrictions (for the whole world). The right under the preceding sentence is granted for the time that the published content is available on the Site, as well as for a reasonable period after its removal or deletion.

6. Access to the Site

6.1 The user alone and at his own expense should provide all the necessary resources (computer equipment, Internet connectivity, software, etc.) that he needs to access the Site.

6.2 The Company reserves the right to withdraw or change the services provided through the Site, as well as suspend or limit access to it, without prior notice, and the Company shall not be liable if, for any reason, the Site is unavailable at any time or for any period.

6.3 Access to the Site may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the event of system failure, prevention, maintenance or repair, or for reasons beyond the Company’s control.

6.4 The Company strives to keep the information on the Site up-to-date, which is why it is possible to change its content at any time, including editing all the information published on the Site.

6.5 Access to and use of the Site is at the user’s risk. The Site may provide links (hyperlinks) from the Site to other sites or resources of third parties, as well as advertising banners. These links are for convenience and information only. The Company has no control over these sites and resources, and the Company assumes no responsibility for the content, products, services, information or opinions they contain, nor for the privacy policies and terms of use of those sites. The company does not assume responsibility for damages or losses arising as a result of their use.

6.6 The Site is accessible through an Internet connection, and the use of the Internet is at the User’s risk and is subject to all applicable national and international laws and regulations. The Company is not responsible for information or services received by You over the Internet.

6.7 Although the Company makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the Site does not contain or distribute errors, viruses, other “malicious” code or harmful components and is uninterrupted, we do not guarantee this. It is recommended that you check for viruses all materials downloaded from the Site and regularly check for the presence of viruses, other “malicious” code or harmful components. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a widespread denial-of-service attack, virus or any other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other materials owned by you, due to your use of the Site or by downloading materials posted on it or a site linked to it.

8. Rights of the Company

8.1 In the event of a violation of these Rules, as well as for any other reasons that the Company considers reasonable, the Company reserves the right, without having such an obligation, on its own initiative or after a signal from a User, to take the following actions, without first to issue a warning:

  • Immediate, temporary or permanent suspension of access to the Site;
  • Immediate, temporary blocking or permanent deletion of an account;
  • Immediately, temporarily or permanently edit/remove any messages, comments or other materials uploaded, sent or published by a user or through a specific user profile on the Site;
  • Reporting certain actions to relevant law enforcement authorities;
  • Prosecution for the recovery of all costs (including, but not limited to, relevant administrative and legal costs) resulting from a breach.

8.2 The Company has the right to compensation for all damages, including those in connection with claims made by third parties, caused by a culpable violation of these Rules.

8.3 The company may disclose personal information about a user when this is required by law, when it is requested by a government authority within its competence or when it is necessary to realize the legal interests of the company or a third party.

9. Responsibility

9.1 The Company makes everything possible and reasonable effort to provide true, complete and accurate information on the Site. However, use of the Site, materials and services provided through it is at the user’s own risk.

9.2 Except in the cases provided for by the Anti-Money Laundering Law or other law, the Company has no obligation to check the Users, review their profiles, control the materials, comments and any other content that they publish on the Site or send to other Users. The Company is not responsible for the completeness, accuracy, usefulness, timeliness or any other characteristics of this content. Any opinions, comments, advice, opinions, information, statements, etc., expressed or provided by Users of the Site, are those of the respective authors and not of the company. This does not affect the rights of the Company, at its discretion, to make such a review/check, as well as to take any of the actions specified in these rules, in the event that the behavior of a User or the content of materials published on/sent through the Site does not meets the requirements of these Rules.

9.3 Any communication and interaction between Users (through the Site, if applicable, exchange of electronic messages or in any other way) is their responsibility. The Company is not responsible for the actions of Users.

9.4 The Company does not guarantee that the materials on the Site can be legally read or downloaded outside the borders of Bulgaria. Access to these materials may not be legal for certain persons or in certain countries. If you access the Site from outside Bulgaria, you assume the relevant risk and are responsible for compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction.

10. Final Provisions

10.1 The current Rules are posted here: http://ddobs.com/tcs/

10.2 The Company reserves the right to change and/or supplement these Rules at any time. Changes take effect immediately after their publication on the Site, unless otherwise provided in the updated version of the Rules. If you continue to use the Site and the services provided through it, even once after making changes to it, we will consider that you have accepted the changes to the Rules. You should periodically visit this page to review the Rules as they are binding on you. The Rules may be updated at any time without special notice to Users. The Company is not responsible if a User has not familiarized himself with the latest version of these Rules. In case the amended Rules are not acceptable to you, please stop using the Site and the services provided through it.

10.3 The laws of the Republic of Bulgaria apply to these Rules. All disputes between the Company and the Users, arising in connection with the Terms, will be resolved in a spirit of goodwill, through negotiations between them, and if this proves impossible – by the competent Bulgarian court.

11. Online Shop

11.1 Please, before making purchases through the Company’s online store accessible through the Site, familiarize yourself with our General Terms and Conditions for distance sales, located here: https://………… ……/

12. Personal Data

12.1 Please, before using the services of the Site, also familiarize yourself with our Privacy Policy, which is available here: http://ddobs.com/privacy/

12.2 The User agrees that when providing the services available on the Site, the Company has the right to process his personal data in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

13. Contacting the Company

13.1 Any User who wants to send a report about another User or about material published on the Site, or wants to express an opinion regarding these Rules, can send a personal message to the Site administrator at the address: http://ddobs.com design-lab/support/

13.2 Questions related to the use of the services offered on the Site can be asked by the User by sending a message to the email address: support@ddobs.com

These rules were updated on 15.02.2024 and entered into force from the moment of their publication on the website http://ddobs.com/tcs/